Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Tunes - BTC
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Tunes - Car Songs
we like to sing this one in the car, too; but we sing the appropriate parts....
Christmas Tunes
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Getting it Together for Christmas
I've been working midnights at work for about 5 weeks now, and it's going OK. My main responsibility is to get the executive summary ready by 5 AM. You'd figure I'd be able to accomplish that during the 10 hours that I'm there, but alot of the info I need doesn't come out until about 3:30. Sometimes it goes really well, other timed, not so much. Some days I walk out of there at 6 AM feeling pretty good, other times I've left at 8:30 (tieing up loose ends) and felt like crap. When all's said and done, it's still a job; a new job with new challenges that make my night the fastest 10 hours in the world.
I tried my hand, albeit unsuccessfully, at some home computer repair. It did not work out, and I've got a new laptop from work. I figured I'd just get the new laptop, but I had a big ole box with a dock, keyboard, mouse, and a couple of power cords. Since I share a desktop at the office, I don't need the dock there, so I brought it home. I happen to have a monitor available, so I've setup the dock at home. It's nice to be able to work with a monitor and a full-size keyboard.
Finally, the schedule. Some of you have asked how I'm adjusting to the schedule. It goes OK. I probably sleep about 6 hours each day. That's enough to get me through the night and safely home. As I said earlier, the night goes by fast, so I'm never tired there. I came home this morning, watched 'The Office' and highlights from the Bears game before turning at 9:30. Somehow, I slept until 4:30 this afternoon. My friend called and said I should stop by the house after 7. By 6:30, I was ready to go back to bed, but I went out anyway. I got home at 11:30 and was wide awake, so I'm still up. I knocked out a little bit of work and watched 'A Few Good Men'. Life's good. I've got Friday and Saturday nights off, so I've still got a weekend. I figured the other 2 guys I'm working with would want to switch some so they could get weekends off, but they didn't want to work nights. So, I'm off on the weekends while they have to cover. I guess it's all about what we need for our unique situations.
Anyway, that's that. There's your update and a new pic of the girls. Happy Ho-Ho!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Nora is a Sponge

Thursday, October 23, 2008
WWN - Fall is Here
Nora's new thing is playing with my fun, new tripod. She took it, made a couple of bends and said, "This tripod is praising the Lord."
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesdays With Nora - Pentecostal Power Edition
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ain't Nobody Humpin' Around

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fastest Post Ever!!!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
New Camera

Oh yeah, almost forgot. We had a little drama in the neighborhood Friday night. Someone missed the curb and took out not one, but two dumpsters.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wednesdays With Nora - My Login Still Works Edition
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Big Girl is at Camp!!!
Camp is pretty special to her mom and me. We both spent 2 summers at YMCA Camp Lakewood in Potosi, MO, where we were camp counselors and saw many of the benefits a child can get from a week at camp.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Day I Outsmugged Wal-Mart

I had been running errands with the girls yesterday, and we were at Wal-Mart entering the checkout line. I was buying one of those little lunchbox/cooler thingies. Being a veteran of Wal- Mart service, I knew the cashiers were supposed to look inside luggage, purses, coolers, and anything else that could hide another item. They've got a couple of little cool code words. LISA should remind them to 'Look InSide Always', and BOB should remind them to check the 'Bottom Of the Basket' Being the good customer that I am, I unzipped the cooler to save the cashier some time. She was scanning my items just fine, scanned my cooler and kept on going. A few more items went by, and the CSM, the one in the red vest came over to talk to my cashier, Marilyn. Here's how that went....
CSM: (Smugly) Marilyn, I wanted to remind you to use LISA.
Marilyn: (Stops scanning to discuss with CSM) Huh? What's that?
CSM: I know you didn't just say that.
Marilyn: I don't know what you're talking about.
Me: (Probably more smugly) Look inside always. She wants you to look inside my cooler to make sure I'm not stealing anything. But don't worry, I already unzipped it before I put it on the belt.
CSM, now irritated, walks away
Marilyn: Thanks, I didn't know to do that.
I guess I showed them. It's not every day, that you spend $110 on items that aren't over $8 and get to walk away with a little bit of pride.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Gibbs Girls
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sweep Home Chicago

Is This (Redneck) Heaven?

I got in the gate, located my section, and began the trek to my seat. You see, at these things, higher up is better because you can see more. My seat was in row 55. It was a 55 step climb to the second level, then another 30 or 40 steps up to row 55. There was a good crowd, and we settled in for a nice evening. Our section was already in the shade; and after the sun went down, it got even more comfortable. To my left, there was a mother at the race with her young daughter. To my right, there were 2 couples who, from their expressionless faces and sunburned bodies had been enjoying the festivities all day. The race got started, and it was quite impressive. The cars really did make quite a commotion on their way to get the green. The race itself wasn't that exciting. Reutimann drove out to a big lead, but his car went away when the sun went down. Tony was on the front row but missed a shift on the start. He had the fastest car in the field at one point but never did much with it. Kyle Busch took the lead on lap 94 and didn't give it back except during the round of green flag pit stops around 50 to go. On lap 177, I heard Busch's spotter tell him that his lead was seven seconds, and the second place car's last lap was 3 tenths of a second slower than Busch's. It was pretty much a blow out. Bush did his burnout, took his bow, and went to victory lane. I filed out with the other 80,000 people, turned in my scanner, and went out to the parking spree with everyone else. You can read more about that below.
All in all, I had a pretty good time. I saw some stuff I'd never seen before as well as some stuff I hope I never see again. I'm sure I'll go back for more.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Nothing But Taillights

Monday, July 7, 2008
July 4th Weekend Commentaries
If that doesn't make you feel all patriotic on the inside, I don't know what will. That's a clip of my friend Byron and me playing before the Graves County Democrats' Breakfast in August of 1992. My dad sent me home with a bunch of videos from high school, and I've been having a hoot watching them. Some have suggested I buy a DVD recorder and transfer them over. I took the redneck way out and just recorded the television with my digital camera. It's not fancy, but it suits my purpose. I thought we did OK for some high school kids. Having gotten out and heard more people since then, I have only one suggestion for us.....more air (and that's primarily for me). Having not tooted a horn for some 14+ years now, I can honestly say that I miss it. I miss the camaraderie. I miss practicing a piece of music and then performing it with people you enjoy being around. There's a line in the 2002 Charles Stone III classic, Drumline, that always resonates with me. It's near the end, they're getting ready to take the field, and Dr. Lee tells them to enjoy playing with their bandmates. I may be a little sissified, but that always gives me a little chill.
On the topic of music....I did hear a little over the holiday weekend. The Naperville Municipal Band had their patriotic concert on Thursday night. Before they played, there was a ladies' trio from the USO who sang "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree", "Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy", and "Chattanooga Choo-Choo" before the concert. The instrumental portion of the concert was the usual stuff. The service medley always give me chills. The Marines who stand for the "Marine Hymn" are always so stoic and look like they could "...pick up a weapon and stand a post." while the Navy guys appear to be in for more of a swash-buckling good time as they stand and clap along with Anchors Aweigh. Unlike years past, there was even a Coastie there to represent for the Coast Guard song/hymn/anthem/diddy. The band played a piece called "The Blue and Gray". It featured all the popular music from the Civil War era. I had no idea that "Aura Lee" and "Yellow Rose of Texas" were big in the 1860's, but you learn something new every day. The piece closed with Battle Hymn, and the climax was when a blue guy walked across the stage to meet a gray guy walking from the other side. They saluted, shook hands, and hugged before retreating to their origins. As cheesy, and historically inaccurate, as it sounds, I kinda liked it. Everyone else did too as there was great applause. The Civil War soldiers also brought along their mounted cannons to play along with the 1812 Overture. That piece is forever long, and I'm glad I had my Readers' Digest (what am I, like 65?) to get me through to the good stuff. The band closed with "Stars and Stripes Forever". It's quite possibly my favorite march that I never got the chance (read not good enough) to play. The piccolos took it up a notch and really played well during the obbligato. That reminds me, what's the difference between a piccolo and a chainsaw? You can tune a chainsaw.
Other musical events include watching Pops Goes the Fourth on CBS. I liked it alot better when PBS showed the whole concert. CBS had too much Rascal Flatts for my liking, but they did manage to get in the patriotic sing along and S&S4E. The piccolos are quite solid. I also caught a replay of a Capitol Fourth. While we're on the subject, they didn't have a piccolo player on S&S4E, they used a marimba, and I thought it was way cool. Finally, there was a bari-sax player with the band at church on Sunday. I thought he was too loud.
That's all for me.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
In a Funk

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Decent Weekend

George finished his bike ride this morning. I'd stopped in there every night to see him ride, so I figured I'd show up for the record breaking portion as well. There was a good crowd on hand, and it was quite the festive atmosphere. I left right after the record was broken and headed to work. I was here by 6:45 and am so far ahead of where I am on a regular day it's pathetic. I should get here at a decent time more often. I'll check into that.
Friday, May 9, 2008
George Update: He's Going to Have to Stretch

Thursday, May 8, 2008
WWN....and George

My Wednesday with Nora started out with George Hood. You can follow that link and see what he's all about. I manned the front desk at the Y from 10PM to 5AM on Tuesday night. It was really neat to see the people come in to say hi to George, or get on a bike and ride along for a few hours. In the photo above, the guy in the camo shorts is kinda like the coach; he monitors the stats and helps keep George on pace. The guy in the white polo shirt is some kind of medical professional. The green and red shirted guys are friends who are riding along. I've stopped in every night to see what's going on. I took this video last night. He's got to maintain 12 mph to qualify for the record, and I think he was behind at this point. He does not always ride this fast.
The lady in front is a chaplain from a police survivors organization, and she's there at 10 each night for prayer. The blonde with the short hair is his girlfriend, Marcia; she's the taskmaster. I was actually there for one of his breaks. He stops pedaling, 2 people unclip his feet, and some more help him get off the bike and onto a massage table. From there, 3 people stretched him out for a couple minutes before they covered him with blankets and let him sleep. I've never seen such peaceful sleep in all my life. The man was dead to the world. Marcia watched the clock and had him back on the bike in 15 minutes. A couple minutes later, he was riding the bike and doing an interview for the local TV station. The whole thing is quite amazing. He's scheduled to break the record Saturday morning, but plans to ride until Sunday morning.....just showing off I guess.
As for WWN, I was pretty zonked myself on Wednesday morning. I got up and picked her up from dance, did lunch, and came home. I was able to get my railroad work done while I was at the Y, so it was nice to have it out of the way. We laid around, watched American Idol, and I might've dozed once or twice :) I had been telling Nora about George, and she was excited to see him after we picked up the other 2. We went over, the girls got to go on stage, say hi, and they even got his autograph. They were so proud of their personalized notes from George. Then is was, supper, baths, and study time for Maggie. They went home, and I headed back to the Y for more of the festivities. I went to bed around 11:30 last night and was wiped out. I set the alarm, but don't think I heard it if/when it went off. All in all, it wasn't a bad birthday.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
This is the day.....
Smells Like Team Spirit

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Urban Adventurers

The day started out by fueling up at my favorite breakfast joint, Grandma Sally's. Who ever knew that Italian sausage, onions, hash browns, and eggs over easy could taste so good together? We did a little shopping at Target, then hit the city. My new thing is driving to Forest Park and taking the blue line into the city. Maggie is the only one to be on the "trains in the air", so the other 2 were looking forward to it. The plan was to take the train down to Jackson, transfer to the red line, and head to Wrigley. Those plans didn't exactly pan out as there was a little oops in Chinatown yesterday, and the red line was being detoured. We made our connection at an alternate station and headed north for the Friendly Confines. Grace and Nora haven't been

We got back on the train and headed back toward the

I'm a fan of public transportation. I enjoy learning my way around, and I usually learn something new each time I go to Chicago. I'm glad that my girls are getting to see some of it at a young age. Maybe they won't be scared of it when they get older. As much as we all enjoy our little trips, it's always nice to be back in our car and back in control. Grace and I were the only ones to stay awake, and I know if I lived a few miles farther away, she would've passed out as well. I can't wait until Maggie is old enough to drive us home from this stuff.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesdays With Nora


Now I can go to bed....wait a minute, the Rock of Love reunion show just came on. It looks like it's going to be a long night.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesdays With Nora
I'm checking the post to make sure the video works, Nora hears the song and comes running over. She's sitting beside me, watching Miley sing about going on her own, clapping and yelling at the screen. "Go Hannah, you can do it! You can make it!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Weekend Wrap

I think the incestuous storylines found in NASCAR attract me the most. For instance, Kyle Busch replaced JJ Yeley in the 18 at Joe Gibbs Racing. Yeley never ran really well in the 18 car. It only took Busch 4 races to win in Yeley's old car. This weekend, Yeley's current sponsor, DLP, sponsored Busch's car in the Nationwaide Series. Busch won in that race as well. If you're scoring at home, and you're probably not, Busch has won with Yeley's old car and his current sponsor. That can't do too much for his self esteem.

Finally, the Cubs won yesterday because I didn't DVR the game. That makes them perfect for the year in games I haven't recorded, and a big 0-fer in games I have recorded. I'm taking Kevin's suggestion and will be keeping track of which games they lose with respect to whether I recorded the game or not. This morning, I flipped a coin, got heads, and set the DVR. We'll see what happens.
Other than that, not much going on this weekend. The girls were with their mom, so I just hung out and enjoyed the nice spring weather.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
It's not you, it's me. (updated)

So, I don't watch and the Cubs win. If this it what it's going to take, I'll think about the obliging. The hopes of the City of Broad Shoulders are on my shoulders. We'll see how it goes.
UPDATE: The Cubs have played twice since this was originally posted. On Friday, I set the DVR, actually went to the game, and the Cubs lost 5-4. Today, I did not set the DVR. watched the game with friends, and the Men in Blue came from behind to win 9-7.
Here are a couple of pics from the game. Not bad for the oldest park in the NL.
The Miller Lite billboard on the other side of Sheffield is updated each time a new opponent comes into town...you know, to make the visitors feel at home. Here's their offering for the Houston Astros. Evidently, I was there for an Astros game last year as well.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
This is why I go....
I think the sun did indeed rise today because it is light outside. I found this little snippet on the YouTube today. It's the only real highlight from yesterday's opening day defeat. It's the chance of being a part of something like this that keeps me coming back. I remember being at Wrigley on a Sunday night in 2001 when the Yankees were in town. Cubs lefty Mike remlinger struck out Jason Giambi with the go-ahead run on base for the second game in a row. I was in Milwaukee in 2003 with a partisan Cubs crowd to see Sammy Sosa hit the first or second pitch he saw off the scoreboard in centerfield. Finally, I had the great pleasure of being in St. Louis with my dad and brother to see the Bears Devin Hester return 2 kickoffs for touchdowns in the same game. Anyway, that's why I go.
The weather in Chicago is pretty crummy right now, and tickets are priced right. I've got a 1:20 appointment Friday afternoon at the corner of Clark and Addison.
Monday, March 31, 2008
I don't know how much more of this I can take...

Today is opening day. Hope springs eternal (again) for Cubs fans everywhere. I mean, the Cubs' season preview show is called "Next Year is Here". This year is going to be different, though. Experts from all over the country have picked the Cubs to at least win their division, and other have been so bold to pick our lovable losers to win the World Series. Should the Cubs pull of that feat, it would be the first one since 1908.
I woke up all excited today. I wore my blue dress shirt and Cubs tie to work today. I even called a fellow Cubs fan at 6:30 this AM to remind him that the road to the World Series started today. I got to work, finished up my work, and cut out a little early to get home to catch some of the game. I had a few errands to run on the way home. I stopped at the Colonel on the way home and picked up some rations as watching Cubs baseball is demanding work. I had planned to watch my recording from the beginning without seeing any updates. I got all the way home without hearing anything about the game. I crashed on the couch with remote in one hand and 11 herbs and spices in the other. The game got started late and was further delayed by rain. I set an alternate recording to catch what would be aired after the regularly scheduled programming. I got all the way to the sixth inning on my first recording. I looked for my alternate recording and couldn't find it. I did, however, find out that I had lovely recordings of Law & Order and King of the Hill, both fine entertainment choices, but this is opening day!!!! I quickly change over to the game and what do I see???? The Cubs new addition, Kosuke Fukudome (KOES-kay FOOK-uh-DOE-may) has just tied the game in the bottom of the ninth with a 3-run homer. I was all set to watch the whole game, let the tension build, and experience everything it had to offer, but I blew it for Detective Benson and Hank Hill. Then the Cubs blew it in the tenth and ended up losing 4-3. There's no game tomorrow, so I've got a day off from this unbearable stress. If the sun comes up tomorrow, it will be a minor miracle.
In other news, Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks, was honored with a statue outside of Wrigley Field today. In addition to the governor, baseball greats Billy Williams, Ron Santo, Minnie Minoso, and even Hank Aaron were there. Who else belongs in that group? Don't know? Why, Rev. Jesse Jackson, of course. Evidently, he heard Banks was pretty good and knew there might be a camera there for a photo op. Cub Hall of Famer Ferguson Jenkins joined the group on the field for the ceremonial first pitch, and Jesse was right in the middle. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
Anyway, Wednesday is a new day.....I'll be sure to leave my bad luck Cubs tie at home.