I also got one of those little grypton tripod thingies. I figured out how to use the timer on my camera and decided to take a little family picture. After seeing it on the computer, it's not as good as I thought, but it's still decent for a first effort. The tripod was on the table shooting up with the sky in the background. I don't know if that threw the sensors off or what. It looks kinda hazy. If anyone's got any tips for overcoming that, I'll hear them at this time. Otherwise, take a gander at me and my darlings. I've got another where Nora is looking at the camera, and Maggie and Grace don't appear to be seeing one for the first time; it's taken with a higher resolution and is 2.25MB. I didn't feel like waiting for it to upload via the old air card.
PPS - Those last 2 statements are totally un-related, any connection you make is yours and yours only.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. We had a little drama in the neighborhood Friday night. Someone missed the curb and took out not one, but two dumpsters.
Oooo ... you KNOW I like the family photo. Good job! I've always thought those tripods looked pretty cool but I've never tried one of them. They look like something kids would love to play with!
Looks like they found the curb pretty easily actually, but missed the curve. But hey, whatever, it's your story.
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