Nora came over early today as mama had the day off and had some medical stuff to tend to. No bigs as I was almost finished with my railroad stuff when she got here. She watched a little TV while I finished up, then we were headed off to the Y for dance class. I hadn't had a shower yet and was packing up my gym bag to do a little sweatin' and strainin' whilst she was dancing. She notice I was packing up, and this is the conversation that ensued.
NORA: Dad, are you going to work out while I dance?
Me: Yes, honey, I'm trying to get big and strong.
NORA: You're going to get big muscles?
Me: (Jokingly) Big muscles for big spankings.
NORA: No daddy, big muscles so you can hold us when we cry.
Me: (No response as I was looking for someplace to write that down)
WARNING: I should stop writing here. There's nothing else I could say to build on this, but I like to type.
I swear I don't make this up, my little 4 year old says this stuff. You should've heard her 2 weeks ago talking about the problems in Haiti. The price of fuel and food has doubled there recently. She told me: "The people want the government (her word, not mine) to take control of the prices so the people won't have to pay so much."

We picked up the sisters from school at 3:15 and headed to the Field House. We get there early, and they have all 5 basketball courts to themselves. What do they do? Get jump ropes and jump in the lobby for Miss Barb at the front desk. I asked Maggie if she could jump really high and twirl the rope twice for each jump. She said she couldn't, so I had to show her how it was done. I tried a couple of simple jumps to get the blood going. 2 hops, and my shorts were almost down to my knees. I hiked'em up and tried again. Oh yeah, I shed my sandals and was doing this barefoot. I managed to get my 2 twirls and one jump, but when I hit the ground, my legs were still bent. I was terribly off balance and stumbled backwards about three times before taking a big tumble. Maggie was ultra impressed. To add insult to injury, I lost the button from my shorts in this fiasco.
We had supper at church tonight and split out before service. Maggie has spelling and science tests tomorrow. We studied for those while the other 2 did Heaven-only-knows-what. We got everybody studied up, cleaned up, and ready for bed. We tried to watch American Idol to see who was getting eliminated, but Grace and Nora couldn't make it. They fell asleep on the couch, and I carried them to bed when the show was over. Nora woke up, asked who was voted off, then cried when I told her. She didn't mind Carly being eliminated, but she wanted to stay up and find out for herself, but she was just too tired. Poor thing, she gets worked up over her TV shows. I have no idea where she gets it.
1 comment:
What priceless times you're having on "Wednesdays With Nora"! Nora sounds like such a little charmer. With her insight at 4 yrs. old, maybe I'll get to vote for HER for president one of these days!
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