Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesdays With Nora

So, I totally ripped off Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie, but it works. Since I haven't had a weekend with no railroad work since before Thanksgiving, I'm such a martyr, my boss lets me work from home on Wednesdays (other times as well, but Wednesday is a regularly scheduled time). Nora goes to the Y with her mom, and I pick her up around noon, after her dance class. She stays with me until it's time to go get her sisters from school. We all come home, do homework, eat supper, and they take a baths before heading back to their house. I thought it might be nice to document these times together. Most times, it's nothing much, but other times are kinda neat. Today, I picked her up at 11:45, and we walked through downtown Naperville to get some lunch. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and the high today was 72. We went to a place called Noodles. She's a big mac & cheese fan, and I'm a big food fan, so it was a good choice. We were sitting at the table waiting for our food, and she's telling me about her dance class. Her teacher, Miss Jenna, picks up Nora from the babysitting area, gets her changed, then teaches her class. Miss Jenna has a little girl, Kara, that Nora plays with as well. Nora is telling me that she's glad that I'm her dad, which is always good to hear. She goes on to tell me that Kara's dad doesn't want to be much of a dad and doesn't see her much. Then she suggests that maybe I could be Kara's dad, too. My 4 year old is trying to set me up with her teacher. Lunch was good, and we shared a huge rice krispie treat for dessert. I tidied up a few work items at home while Nora watched a little Hannah Montana. She was watching the one where Billy Ray realizes that he's going to have to let go of Hannah one day. It's also the one where he writes the "Ready, Set, Don't Go". I like the tune, and having little girls of my own, it gives me alot to think about. Nora always wants me to watch that show with her so I can see Miley's baby pictures. Anyway, we're putting our shoes on to leave, and I'm still singing the song. Nora says, "You want me to always be your baby". I said that I do, but she has to grow up. "I want you to grow up and be a beautiful woman....on the inside". Nora replied, "Dad, did you know that God can clean your inside if you ask him to." I think she's on her way.

I'm checking the post to make sure the video works, Nora hears the song and comes running over. She's sitting beside me, watching Miley sing about going on her own, clapping and yelling at the screen. "Go Hannah, you can do it! You can make it!

1 comment:

Lori Shay said...

I just have to say that tulip pictures is PRECIOUS.