Sunday, September 30, 2007

6 Weeks to Go!!!

Last year, at about this time, my dad was preparing to tie the knot. I was in the middle of a weight loss campaign in an effort to not look like a total blimp in any of the photos. I shed a few pounds and ended up needing to have about 3-4 inches taken out of my suit coat.

Around February of this year, encouraged by the good results, I did the half climb at the Hustle Up the Hancock. That picture is me at the top of the climb. I have no idea who the guy behind me is, but he must like the view because he's smiling. BTW, special thanks to Photogenic for letting me use the photo ;) The climb was tough, but it was a good time. I didn't do as well as I had wanted, but committed to shed a few more pounds and do the full climb at the Sears Tower.

I was down about 40 pounds between October and April, and the success went to my head. I thought I could turn it off and on as needed. I found out that turning it off was easy, but turning it on was not. I gained about 20 of those pounds back.

Here I sit, 6 weeks before the thing, ready to make one last push to lighten my load for the next climb. I did quite a bit of cardio at the gym today and even got back on the stair climber. I've been eating lean meats (after we finished the Cubs cookie) and more veggies. I think I may try to stay away from the Arches for awhile, too. The sale on McMuffins is over, anyway. Six weeks of this, and I should be in good shape....well, at least better than today.


Shane said...

water, water, water. It is the key.
I dropped 30 pounds just by switching to diet drinks. Then someone told me I would drop 30 more if I took out the caffeine. I couldn't do it cold turkey, but limiting my intake helped me lose another 10 with no other change to my lifestyle.

With that said. The SEARS FREAKING TOWER! That's why elevators were invented.

Rachel said...

Well, I am patting you on the back, Andrew! Goodluck!

I've been working out steadily for the last 3 months. Atleast 4-6 times a week, atleast an hour a day. You would think that it would have been pretty easy to drop some pounds working out that much. I lost 7 pounds the first month. And not a pound since. Grrrr.... I've had so many people tell me that I'm not losing because I'm gaining muscle. Screw that! When you work out as much as I am, you should freakin' lose some weight! Right?

Anyway, back to you...:) Sears Tower? That's amazing!! What's next? Empire State Building? Statue of Liberty? Space Needle? You should do a tour. You could get a T shirt made for every climb. Cool! Very cool!

Unknown said...

I'm proud of you. Stairs are flippin' hard! Just getting up the gumption to try is rawther impressive to me!