Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekend Wrapup

I've been advised against posting on the weekends. Evidently it's bad blogging etiquette because you're supposed to be doing this during the week while you're being paid to do something else. That being said, here are some shameless pics of my kids woven into the text of a post that's supposed to be about my weekend. I am pretending that people care about my weekend.

Grace had her first sleepover last weekend. While she was at Alexis' house, the other 2 and I ran errands. While I was waiting in line at the post office, Maggie took some pics of Nora. She calls them Diva. It was cute, but made me a little queasy at the same time. We went and played at the park and saw a guy with a snazzy haircut.

Sunday came and went. On Monday, the girls participated in the Labor Day Parade. Gracy is about the happiest kid I know. America's Favorite Mom was the big surprise of the parade. She was there hawking some kind of water she endorses.

That's it. Pretty boring, huh?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I don't think I've seen a haircut that snazzy since 1987! Wow!! Great weekend synopsis. I should have something blog-worthy eventually.