My blogger login still works, so I decided I'd post again. Last night, JP came up, and we went to the Bears game. He got up here in the early afternoon, and we ate some chicken wings and one of those giant chocolate chip cookies with icing on it.....you know, so we wouldn't get hungry and have to pay ballpark prices.....or something like that. Jarrod did not have any Bears wear, and his Cubs t-shirt looked more like Cowboys wear, so I loaned him one of my shirts. He looked resplendent in
this little item I obtained on ebay. We got in the car and drove to Forest Park to catch the El to Soldier Field. After getting off the train at the Roosevelt Road stop, we joined several other fans and made the final trek to the stadium. The people behind us were quite surprised several times along the way. We were frisked by security and given US Cellular car flags on our way in the gates. We had to test out the facilities, and they passed. After a quick look around, it was time for some stadium fare. We each had a polish sausage. Jarrod was a good boy and had Diet Coke while I had regular Coke. Before that night, I'd never seen anyone eat a polish with kraut, mustard, and ketchup, but hey, whatever. We found our seats and settled in for the opening festivities. Gloria Estefan sang the anthem, complete with onfield pyrotechnics and fighter jet flyover. Our seats were in the end zone, about 20 rows from the top. It was dark, so we couldn't see the planes coming. There was a quick flash over our heads followed by the loud roar of the engines. That was by far the coolest part of the night, as it went downhill from there. The Bears looked good in the beginning, and the crowd was into it, but they just couldn't score. Rex didn't help. Final score: Cowboys 112, Bears -3. Byron offered a little bright spot when he called after Archuleta's INT to check on us. He was home doing laundry and watching the game, so we didn't feel so bad for being at the game. Thanks for the encouragement, -B.
We left the game, got back on the train, went home to watch the recording of the UK-Arkansas game. We warmed up some bean dip and had a little post-game nourishment. I have no idea what time JP turned in, but I was asleep by 1 AM.
I got up at 8 and caught up on my TV watching while Jarrod pretended to do some Caterpillar-type work. He needed to use my computer to "send an email". I don't know if he did or not, but I had all the UK football sites in my history when he was done, so I'm not sure what went on.
We parted ways after breakfast at Grandma Sally's. He was headed to Morton, and I was headed to the couch. I watched TV until, literally, 4:30, went to the gym, and here I sit. Tonight is the premiere of DWTS and the Bachelor, and I'm excited about the new seasons.
I love going into Chicago, and the Bears games are always a good time. It was nice to have Jarrod around, and he even paid for breakfast. If he ever decides to leave Cat, he's got a future in the aerial application of herbicides and pesticides for agricultural purposes.