I warned you about these.... so I'm at the McDonald's drive thru this morning. I'm at the window picking up my low carb sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit with hash browns and a coke. I'm sitting in my car, and I notice the backside of someone sticking out from just beyond the pickup window. About the time I'm ready to pull away, he backs out of the bushes right in front of me. I knew he was there and was probably going to back out in front of me, so I wasn't even close to hitting him. As I drove past, I could tell that he was an employee trying to connect the water hose from the pressure washer to the water spigot.
Here's the random thought....when you almost run into another car, you might say I almost bought a (whatever that car was). In this case, would it be appropriate to say I almost bought a Mexican, or is that something we're not ready to talk about yet?
Not sure how to comment on this, Drew. Here's a few random thoughts of my own:
1) I bet you wouldn't have made that comment about a black man.
2) Biscuit, hash browns, Coke,low-carb. "Three of these things belong together, three of these things are kind of the same. One of these things just doesn't belong here, now it's time to play our game...time to play our game."
3) Did anyone but me think that Drew was about to tell a story about getting mooned?
4) Do you often take pictures of Drive-thrus that you are about to enter?
I'm going to let Andy's comments #2-4 stand. As for the original point of the topic, I have a fun side story. We have a family at work that consists of white parents and three adopted children, two from Guatemala and one from Bolivia. So, on the way out the door, the little brown Guatemalan boy looks at two African-American teachers and says, "Bye brown team!" So the mom stops in her tracks and has one of "those" conversations with the four year old going into detail about how we're all the same (he says, YEAH, everone has thick hair like me!), we all bleed red, yadda yadda yadda. So my question in response to your question is...is this really that big of a deal?
Ok, so I didn't answer your question at all, but I did bring more conversation to your topic.
Oh yeah, and HI! Nice blob!!
I was totally thinking that it was a "moon" story, Andy. You're not alone.
Lori, I think that the mom made too big a deal out of the comment. And the modern politically correct thing to have done would have been to laugh about it, and then celebrate the differences that we all have as well.
And Andrew, I'd say that you almost bought a fast food employee, but that can get you in trouble too. I recently heard about a big uproar that was made when Kevin Federline made that commercial for the superbowl, where he looks like he's in a pimped out music video and it ends up that he's daydreaming and working at a fast food place. Apparently, the fast food employees were offended. So maybe you can't even say that. (Insert eyeroll here)
You could say "I just almost bought someone who looked to be Hispanic in origin"
You have no way of knowing what country he was from.
Let me tell a Gran story:
We were sitting in Pizza Hut (Me, Mom, Sumer, and Gran). She begins to tell a story about a Hispanic person that was in front of her at the gas station. But here is what she says.
Gran: There was this pean in front of me in the line
Mom: a what?
Gran: you know a pean, someone from Mexico
Mom: what's a pean?
Gran: isn't that what they are called?
Mom: What are you saying?
Gran: a pean?
Mom: Are you saying peon?
Gran: yeah, that's it peon isn't that what they are called.
You had to love Gran.
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