Sunday, November 4, 2007

Change of Scenery

I followed the link to my own blog from Andy's blog and was quite startled to see the picture of that shower. It's a real attention-getter. As striking as it might be, it's time has come and gone. To answer a few questions about it: it's not mine, I found it on flickr, and I did not crap in it.

Five weeks ago, I mentioned training for a little stair climb thingy I'm doing next week. The training was slow going at first, but it has come along. Highlights include: not going to McDonald's in the last 5 weeks, having a Diet Coke a week ago, but no other carbonated beverages, and maybe one or 2 pieces of red meat during the whole time. I got on the scale yesterday, and I'm down 15 pounds. The usual stuff has happened, pants fit better, face is a little thinner, etc.

The climb is next Sunday. My start time is 7:10-7:20 AM. My friend Larry and I are on a team, so we'll be climbing together. He's a stair climbing machine, so my goal is just finishing. He should be finished and have the car out of the parking garage by the time I'm done. There was talk of going to Chinatown for Dim Sum, but we may be finished climbing too early for that.

Anyone see this? That's pretty scary.

Last but not least, I've included a little piece of my training motivation.

1 comment:

Jarrod Martin said...

Drew, I have to say that this video got me so pumped about working out, I went straight to the garage to practice "painting the fence" and "sanding the floor." Keep the good stuff coming.

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