I started flipping through them, and as the memories came rushing back, I was reminded of how much I hated it when my mom (that's her in the top pic from 1993) was always around taking pictures. Now that I've got these photos to look back on, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to have taken all of them. The older I get, the wiser my parents become. I've scanned in about 150 photos today and am very much looking forward to sharing them with everyone and enjoying the stories that will no doubt come from that.
I had Thanksgiving lunch at my cousin's house. My Grandma, in the second pic, who had a stroke over a year ago and has been in the nursing home since, was there for the meal. My uncle picked her up and brought her out. She sat in her wheelchair and fed herself most of the time. She's still got quite a bit of brain power up there but has trouble getting the words to come out. After the meal and subsequent grazing, I sat with grandma, asked her questions, and tried to make the most I could out of her gestures and sounds. She got tired and said she wanted to go back. I rode along with my uncle and cousin to spend some more time with grandma. We got her to the nursing home and took her inside. My uncle had to go back out to the car to bring in some things he had forgotten. That gave my cousin and me more time to push grandma around; she loves to go for a stroll in the halls and knows everybody. After my uncle got back, we all sat in her room for awhile and just kinda hung out and joked around with grandma. She still likes a good joke even though she can't tell any of her own. I'm thankful she's around and for the time I got to spend with her today.
It was my friends who started this whole trip down memory lane and subsequent introspection. I'm thankful for them, the times we had together, the times we had apart and lessons we learned in those times. Here's a pic I found of us after our last high school band banquet. We turned out to be a pretty decent group.
Ahhh ... what wonderful things memories are. I loved the picture of your mom and the memories it invoked. That's another area where I've been richly blessed ... I have such a huge storehouse of marvelous memories. And so many of them are of the days when you all spent so much time at our house. And of the days when all of us parents had such wonderful times together at all your band functions. Those days passed all too quickly, but the memories will warm my heart forever. And you're so right ... you guys DID turn out to be terrific adults. Who'd a thought it!!!! Thanks for the memories.
Glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving, Andrew! It is nice going over all those memories with you and the rest of the guys! Hard to believe it's been almost 15 years! I'm thankful to have been invited into your loop once again!
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