My favorite Wrigleyville pizza place, Bacci Pizza, now has Sausage & Pepperoni pizza. Lemme explain. About 20 paces from the Wrigley Field el stop, there's a pizza place in an old brownstone. You can get a huge slice of pizza and a pop for $5, with tax. In the past, you had your pick of sausage, pepperoni, or cheese from pizzas they already had made. You can imagine my delight when I walked in today and saw they had added sausage & pepperoni slice to their pre-made lineup. It's on the way to Wrigley, and the fine folks in the Cubs organization will let you bring in outside food, so it's a good fit. In other outstanding news, Bacci had done away with their wax paper envelopes for carry-out, and come up with a slice-sized box. You can now carry your slice into the park and not worry about the ingredients sliding off while you're in transit. This is indeed a glorious turn of events.
I've been on vacation this week, and today was my last day with the girls. They like riding the train, so we parked at Forest Park and took the train(s) to Wrigley. We ate at Bacci, then began our annual "prayer-walk" around Wrigley Field. We stepped onto the block where the park sits and hadn't taken 50 steps and I hear a loud smack followed by much weeping and wailing. My precious little Nora had been skipping with her hands in her pockets and took a dive on the cobblestones. She was behind me, and I didn't see how bad it was. I gave her a cold bottle of water to put on it, and suggested we get on the train and go home. She wanted to stop at the souvenir store to replace the Cubs pin she'd lost. We stopped in there, it's across the street from the pizza place, and picked out our pins. (Nora is holding the water bottle to her face and weeping openly the entire time.) I'm paying for our stuff and took the water bottle away from her face to have a look, and there was a collective "Ooohhh!" from Maggie and Grace. Her face was swelling from just above her eyebrow to about the middle of her cheek. We high-tailed it out of there and got back to Bacci to make up an ice pack. There were 3 paramedics headed in for lunch while we were there. They looked her over, suggested we ice it down, and take her to her regular doctor (talk about providence, huh?). I take my still crying child on the train where everyone proceeds to look at me and speculate about what I might've done to my child. About 10 minutes into the train ride, I take the ice off, and she stops crying. We talk a little bit, she tells me it doesn't hurt, she's not scared, but she misses her cat. I figured she was doing fine. We got back in the car and headed to Naperville. I was in no mood to deal with the Peds office on Friday afternoon, and we've met the deductible, so we went to the ER. We've got a pediatric ER, and it's glorious. Cool docs and nurses, and we were out in 25 minutes. Nora had good pupils, movement in her eyes, feeling in her face, and her jaw was working just fine, so they said she was good to go. I forgot to mention that at that point, she was Chatty Cathy. Aside from the ginormous bruise on her face, you'd never know anything was wrong. We got home, and she and I had some serious cuddle time. I felt terrible for her, but she was happy as a clam. Now, I devote a fair amount of my time to Cubs baseball. I hope they don't win the whole thing this year; because I'd hate to have to take her back there next year and push her down to bring back the luck.