A friend from work wrapped up a "Biggest Loser" style contest yesterday. In honor of his accomplishment, he wanted to have a hot dog eating contest at work today. Unlike most competitive eating contests, this one is a marathon, not a sprint. We all got to work at 6 PM and started at 7 PM. We're wrapping up at 5 AM tomorrow morning. I can't think of a better way to spend a Tuesday evening, although I can think of better ways to spend Wednesday afternoon. I have a secret weapon....Metamucil. I self-medicated before I left for work. I'm feeling a little full from the Metamucil, but I fully anticipate it paying off in the end....literally, my end.
Update: The contest ended at 0225 when we ran out of hot dogs. My plan was somewhat successful. I had six hot dogs, went to work out, then put the hammer down....sorta. We started off with Vienna Beef hot dogs. I had one at 1900, 1910, 1930, 2000, 2115, and 2138. After jumping rope and a half hour on the treadmill, I had hot dogs at 0035, 0055, 0125, 0200, 0205, 0207, and 0225. Truth be told, we ran out of the Vienna Beef brand and switched to Ballpark franks around 0100. They weren't as thick, but they were full bun length. Either way, they went down quite a bit quicker. At 0225, I was tied with the guy who suggested the contest. We'd both had about enough, but we had to address the lone remaining dog (Hello, lone remaining dog.) We split it and the prize money. That's right, I've now officially eaten food for money.