Today is opening day. Hope springs eternal (again) for Cubs fans everywhere. I mean, the Cubs' season preview show is called "Next Year is Here". This year is going to be different, though. Experts from all over the country have picked the Cubs to at least win their division, and other have been so bold to pick our lovable losers to win the World Series. Should the Cubs pull of that feat, it would be the first one since 1908.
I woke up all excited today. I wore my blue dress shirt and Cubs tie to work today. I even called a fellow Cubs fan at 6:30 this AM to remind him that the road to the World Series started today. I got to work, finished up my work, and cut out a little early to get home to catch some of the game. I had a few errands to run on the way home. I stopped at the Colonel on the way home and picked up some rations as watching Cubs baseball is demanding work. I had planned to watch my recording from the beginning without seeing any updates. I got all the way home without hearing anything about the game. I crashed on the couch with remote in one hand and 11 herbs and spices in the other. The game got started late and was further delayed by rain. I set an alternate recording to catch what would be aired after the regularly scheduled programming. I got all the way to the sixth inning on my first recording. I looked for my alternate recording and couldn't find it. I did, however, find out that I had lovely recordings of Law & Order and King of the Hill, both fine entertainment choices, but this is opening day!!!! I quickly change over to the game and what do I see???? The Cubs new addition, Kosuke Fukudome (KOES-kay FOOK-uh-DOE-may) has just tied the game in the bottom of the ninth with a 3-run homer. I was all set to watch the whole game, let the tension build, and experience everything it had to offer, but I blew it for Detective Benson and Hank Hill. Then the Cubs blew it in the tenth and ended up losing 4-3. There's no game tomorrow, so I've got a day off from this unbearable stress. If the sun comes up tomorrow, it will be a minor miracle.
In other news, Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks, was honored with a statue outside of Wrigley Field today. In addition to the governor, baseball greats Billy Williams, Ron Santo, Minnie Minoso, and even Hank Aaron were there. Who else belongs in that group? Don't know? Why, Rev. Jesse Jackson, of course. Evidently, he heard Banks was pretty good and knew there might be a camera there for a photo op. Cub Hall of Famer Ferguson Jenkins joined the group on the field for the ceremonial first pitch, and Jesse was right in the middle. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
Anyway, Wednesday is a new day.....I'll be sure to leave my bad luck Cubs tie at home.